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More Commodore pictures!
I think you can guess whats on here.

Commodore PET
These were some of the first Commodore computer released. Great!

Commodore 64
Yep, this is the one everybody has. It has fun games and you can write easy programs for it. This is earlier model, but I have the later model. (see below)

Commodore 64C
This is exactly the same as the one above. It just looks a whole lot nicer. This is also the same one that I have.

This is also exactly like the C=64, except it has a small monitor built in. Because of this it is considered portable. (although I have no idea why. Just look at it's size!)

Commodore 128
These are much more powerful then the C=64, although they are still 100% compatible. These also have 128K of RAM, instead of 64K of RAM. I have one of these, but the only power supply that would work with it was from my A500, and since I didn't have any special software for it, i just use my C=64 instead.

Epyx Fastload Cartridge
When you use this in your C=64/128, it causes programs to load much faster. (and if you load large programs off disk you know how long it takes!)

Commodore-Amiga 1040
This monitor has RGB and composite inputs so you can hookup not only your Amiga to it, but your Commodore system! Great!