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Here are some pictures of some Commodore stuff. Yay.
Look and have fun! (and once again the pics are not mine :-(

Commodore PC40-III
This is interseting. Later, when Commodore was going down, they started to release some PC clones, like this one.
Commodore VIC-20
When Commodore released this one, there was nothing but good things for them. Not only that, it's peripheral equipment and software (except for cartridges) is completly compatible with the C=64 and the C=128. And I also have one of these. :-)
VIC-20 Cartridges
These are some VIC-20 cartrige pictures I found. See if you can make out the game names! I have some VIC-20 Cartridges too. Mine are Road Race, Home Babysitter and Visible Solar System.
This is alot like a disk drive, except instead of saving on disk, it was on tape! But disk were much more convient and much more reliable.
1541-II Disk Drive
These are great! If you happen to have a Commodore system and need a disk drive this is a good one to start out with! Just like I did!
1571 Disk Drive
These are really cool. Not only are they faster and more powerful, they also autosense disks! Yay! I also have one of these.
1351 Mouse
Although they look exactly like a Amiga mouse, and you think you can use them on your Amiga? Nope! Ok, so if you want to be MORE curious, you try your Amiga mouse on you Commodore? Wrong again! That stinks eh?